Cell Phones in hands of people

Notice:  Change in cell phone policy at ACMS

We want to inform you about an important update regarding our cell phone policy at ACMS.  In an ongoing effort to improve the educational experience for your student, we are adding limitations on the use of cell phones and electronic devices during the school day.  The SBDM council and administrative staff at ACMS have carefully considered research regarding the negative effects of cell phone usage at school and have decided that students will no longer be able to use cell phones during school hours.  

Studies consistently show that excessive cell phone use during school hours can significantly impact students' focus, productivity, and overall academic performance.  Excessive cell phone use is also linked to negative impacts on social and emotional development and various mental health concerns.  

We kindly ask for your support in reinforcing this new policy at home and encourage you to discuss alternative ways for your child to communicate with you during the school day, if necessary.  We believe that, with your support, the culture at ACMS will drastically improve, fostering a better learning environment and limiting negative social and emotional consequences.  Below is a summary of our new cell phone policy and student discipline for misuse.


  • “No Cell Phone” Policy (includes smart watches, air pods, gaming devices, etc.)

  • Zero Tolerance, phones must not be out at school.

  • For students who take a phone to school, it cannot be visible once the student

    enters the building and it must be checked in during homeroom. 

  • Teachers will have a cell phone lock box in their rooms to secure devices until the

    end of the day. 

  • If students need to make a phone call, a phone in the classroom or office may be

    used with permission.

Consequences for misuse:

1st Offense - Phone is confiscated, taken to the office, and parent must pick it up.

2nd Offense - 1 day ISS and parent must pick up device.

3rd Offense - 2 days ISS and parent must pick up device.

4th Offense - Possible suspension or alternative school placement.

*Recording other students or staff while at school or during school hours will result in a minimum of 2 days ISS and a parent must pick up the device.